Everybody wants financial freedom, and to possibly retire early – if that is a possibility. Content writing is an evolving career and the future is uncertain about where it is headed.
The rate of change on the internet is unprecedented and it affects every internet-enabled career. Content marketing and copywriting are no exception. Although the hope is that as a creative career, writing is exempt and safe from AI disruption. I have written a post about that here.
Content creation and marketing itself is a career that utilizes leverage and can be said to be a passive earner if well systemized. And the lessons is not to put all ones eggs into a single basket – which means to diversity one’s future investments. Content marketers can use other asset types to earn passive income, which is immune from internet disruptions.
These asset types are known to be financial pillars and fail-proof depending on your country and your knowledge. They can provide a safety net and a sound mind to you.
3 Financial Freedom Investment Options for Content Marketers
Real Estate
Real estate is the golden goose that will pay off in almost forever. Buy or invest into real estate to rent out or sell after a couple of years to make huge money. Relatively population is increasing everywhere in the world and people will always need a place to rent or buy for themselves and their families.
A home is one of the most expensive investments people make in their lives, apart from their education, wedding, cars, and electronics. You want to earn it forward into the future by investing your content marketing earnings into real estate.
Real estate is an ever-appreciating asset because prices of land, building materials, and labor always appreciates in tandem. Therefore, there is no loss in this financial avenue as long as you have a little patience.
Farmland is my preferred investment of choice due to the many benefits it provides the owner. You can rent out farmland for others to pay you yearly or seasonal benefits in cash or crops.
You can also build a homestead on the farm (if there is none already on it) and get to run away from the city every few couple of weeks in the year to enjoy the rural scenery and tranquillity.
Planting crops and trees on the land can also supplement your family’s food and reduce your yearly food expenses.
If you are environmentally sustainability-minded, you can maintain any plants, trees, forest groves, and other animals that call this farmland or forest “home”.
Money Market
The money market is also one of the best places to invest your money as a content marketer. Especially, if interest rates are good in your country, you can take advantage of compound interest earnings on your investment.
I always swear by the power of compounding interest gained through Treasury Bills and Government Bonds, because of the assured safety by the Government and Tax-Free interests.
Stocks are not my strengths and neither is Forex trading. I like the “leave it and let it grow” approach to investment. Perhaps because I am always thinking to invest for the long term, and not just for the next day.
Final Thoughts
Farmland, Real Estate, and Money Market are some of the best avenues for investment assuming your have some disposable income to invest as a content marketer. Even, if you don’t have any disposable income the more important it is for you to invest.
Because there is never a best time to do anything, unless you make “NOW” the best time. Next time you see that newly released gadget, motorcycle, or car that you think you need. Consider the opportunity cost and what you will miss if you don’t invest in Farmland, Real Estate or Money Market.