Do you dread the thought of retirement? Would you want to be working until you can’t walk to work again? If you have ever thought about these questions or similar questions, there are careers or professions that do not have any strict legal retirement age.
The older you are in these professions, the more experience and wisdom you are seen to possess to do your work well. Seniors or older people in these professions are very well respected, relied upon by all, and sundry.
If you never want to be asked to retire by anyone or the law, you have here 4 careers that can help you work until you can’t get out of bed anymore. Usually, your physical strength and mental capacity are the only barriers that can prevent you from doing your work – at which time you have to advise yourself to call it quits.
Four careers with no legal retirement age
Medical doctors
Medical doctors are useful to the wellbeing of society’s members. Therefore, the law does not mandate them to retire after age 60 unless they desire to do so themselves. Many doctors love their job so much that they work until they cannot get out of bed.
More importantly, they get to train other junior doctors at work. Their insight and experience of medicine is highly required more than ever in their senior years. Their problem-solving skills in the healthcare professional are greatly enhanced, and they seldom make mistakes because of that.
There is shortage of medical workers the world over, and more so the medical doctors. Educating a medical doctor takes about 8 to 10 years and requires lots of money and other resources. Both the family and the government all support in this effort of educating a medical doctor – as it is in some countries.
A fully licensed medical doctor is a massive investment cost to a nation or society. Hence, they also have to work to pay back to society in kind, love and dedication. As this profession is a vocation or calling, and not for the faint-hearted. It is also not easy at all, getting into medical school.
There are some 70 to 100-year-old doctors in every community, if you only care to find out. If you don’t see them, then they are in the medical schools training the upcoming young ones you see at the hospitals when you visit.
Persons in politics tend to get into positions of power after years of doing their real careers as engineers, military persons, advocates, humanitarians, journalists, business, law, and so on. There is no limit to what career pathways can lead you into politics. Therefore, most of these persons are advanced in their years.
Every country has a minimum age for which one can be a president. For the USA, it is 35 years old, but there is no maximum age limit. Many have been Presidents at age 70 or older all over the world. The current President of the USA Joe Biden is over 78 years old.
Once you get into a position of power such as a President, you can only serve a couple of years, and then retire with all the pecks. Retired ex-Presidents are still called Mr President as a sign of respect.
Congress and other lower political positions are a different ball game, as people serve and serve and serve forever. To be voted into power is not an easy task for a politician. You don’t want to imagine what they have to go through before, during and after the campaign.
The legal profession have some of the oldest people as judges and solicitors of the law. Law courts are littered with old lawyers that use walking sticks to get into the courtroom, assisted by their young lawyers.
The people, who are arbiters of the law, are exempt for retiring. What would you do if you were the one who amends the law that affect every part of society? Definitely, exempt yourself from ever retiring. Won’t you?
Lawyers’ professional experience over the years does accumulate with consistent practice, and so many still practice on their own or go on to become judges in their senior years.
This is a prestigious career that is respected worldwide. Knowledge gained from the law can be used in almost every field. And many lawyers have become presidents of the United States than from any other profession – An example is Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, etcetera.
Note that, half of US Presidents have been lawyers.
Entrepreneurs can be from any industry or profession. Entrepreneurs also include people who run their own businesses by themselves or employ people to do it for them.
These people have real financial freedom and don’t have the word “retirement” in their vocabulary. Although their employees may retire as required by law. The Entrepreneur is not required by law to retire.
Entrepreneurs may have their own prior professions before later embarking on the entrepreneurial journey. They may have been engineers, lawyers, consultants, farmers, salespeople, authors, copywriters or content marketers like you and I, housewives, vehicle drivers, bankers, real estate agents, and almost any other profession in the world.
Entrepreneurs usually leverage on their own experience working in other fields, or leverage on other people’s education and experience to exploit a business opportunity. Entrepreneurs are the engine of growth in society that help provide jobs for the masses.
The four careers, named above, are not an exhaustive list of careers that do not have retirement age. But they encapsulate the most lucrative and sure careers that society is in dire need of to be able to grow, be safe, and healthy.
Are you interested in these careers because they do not have any legal retirement age? Then find out which of these careers you can transition into as a content marketer or writer. For me, being a writer – and also a reader as well, the natural careers that is easy to get into and make me continue writing are Entrepreneurship and Law.
What do you think about my choice? As I write this post I am contemplating either getting into law or continuing my entrepreneurial journey which seems to be doing well by all standards.